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Here are some reports and other useful resources that contain information on California Common Cause's priorities. If you have other information that you think might be useful to put here, please contact us at (213) 623-1216.

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Money & Influence 03.29.2016

RE: Senate Bill 1349 – Cal-Access Modernization – SUPPORT


Dear Senator Hertzberg, On behalf of California Common Cause and our members, I am writing with a letter of support for Senate Bill 1349, which would direct the Secretary of State to modernize Cal-Access, the online system for campaign finance filing and disclosure. Thank you for your leadership on this bill.

Money & Influence 04.23.2014

RE: AB 700 (Gomez and Levine) – Support


Dear Assemblymember Ridley-Thomas, We are pleased to support AB 700, the California DISCLOSE Act. If its intent is implemented, it will significantly strengthen disclosure requirements for ballot measure ads.

Money & Influence 07.8.2012

Another View: Don’t repeal campaign limits – strengthen them


Dan Walters' suggestion to eliminate limits on how much money California elected officials can raise from special interests would weaken disclosure, increase the power of wealthy donors, and take us back to the days of huge campaign contributions that led to the recall of Gov. Gray Davis.

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