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Here are some reports and other useful resources that contain information on California Common Cause's priorities. If you have other information that you think might be useful to put here, please contact us at (213) 623-1216.

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Local Dollars and Local Democracy: A Comprehensive Analysis and Index of Campaign Finance Laws in California's Cities

The Municipal Campaign Finance Index (MCFI) is an organized accounting of campaign finance laws in all California cities. The Index and its accompanying report supply comprehensive data and context for California’s municipal campaign finance landscape.

Voting & Elections 01.27.2017

California Municipal Democracy Index


Many election laws and campaign practices are shaped at the local level, including how people vote for their city officials and the campaign contribution limits for those offices. California Common Cause recently completed a major study of these practices for all 482 cities in California.

Voting & Elections 12.19.2016

California Municipal Democracy Index – Key Findings

Executive Summary

Key findings of California Common Cause's 2016 Democracy Index report.

Money & Influence 07.15.2016

Re: SB 1107 (Allen) Political Reform Act of 1974 – SUPPORT


Dear Senator Allen: On behalf of the City of Oakland, I am writing in strong support of Senate Bill 1107 (Allen) The Political Reform Act of 1974, which would restore much needed control to local governments and the state to enact new options for election campaign funding.

Money & Influence 04.7.2016

RE: Senate Bill 1107 – Accountable Elections – SUPPORT


Dear Senator Allen, On behalf of California Common Cause and our members, I am writing with a letter of support for Senate Bill 1107, which would restore control to local governments and the state to enact new options for election campaign funding.

Money & Influence 03.30.2016

RE: Senate Bill 1349 (Hertzberg) – Cal-Access Modernization – SUPPORT


Dear Chair Allen, The undersigned organizations write to support Senate Bill 1349, which would direct the Secretary of State to modernize Cal-Access, California’s online system for campaign finance filing and disclosure. This necessary upgrade would make the system more reliable, better inform voters, and simplify compliance by campaigns. Modernizing Cal-Access would increase the transparency of campaign financing without requiring new disclosure rules, simply by providing easier public access to the information that campaigns already report.

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