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Here are some reports and other useful resources that contain information on California Common Cause's priorities. If you have other information that you think might be useful to put here, please contact us at (213) 623-1216.

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Local Dollars and Local Democracy: A Comprehensive Analysis and Index of Campaign Finance Laws in California's Cities

The Municipal Campaign Finance Index (MCFI) is an organized accounting of campaign finance laws in all California cities. The Index and its accompanying report supply comprehensive data and context for California’s municipal campaign finance landscape.

RE: Assembly Bill 10 –Behested Payments and Economic Interest Disclosures – SUPPORT


Dear Assembly Member Gatto, On behalf of California Common Cause and our members, I am writing with a letter of support for Assembly Bill 10, which would make several significant changes to the Political Reform Act. Transparency and disclosure are essential to a healthy democracy. Voters need access to accurate information about candidates and elected officials financial interests, investments and sources of income. Greater transparency and disclosure help prevent the appearance of corruption and restore the public trust.

Politics, Power and Presents


This report examines gifts provided and travel-related payments made to state legislators from special interest groups and includes ethics reform recommendations to prohibit or limit many of these activities.

Gifts, Influence and Power


This report examines gifts provided and travel-related payments made to state elected officials from special interest groups and includes ethics reform recommendations to prohibit or limit many of these activities.

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