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SF on the Verge of Making Redistricting History, Despite Erroneous Attacks

California Common Cause and the League of Women Voters of San Francisco Urge the Board of Supervisors to send an independent redistricting commission to voters this fall

Anti-Gerrymandering Advocates Applaud L.A. Leaders on Redistricting Reform Advances

After public outcry, independent redistricting moves closer to being on the 2024 ballot

Independent Redistricting Must be on San Francisco’s 2024 Ballot

Truly independent redistricting would strengthen San Francisco’s democracy and help end gerrymandering in the Bay Area

50 State Report: California Earns Top Grade for Redistricting from Common Cause

California earned highest grade nationally for transparent and inclusive process

Newsom Vetoes Proven Redistricting Reform, Secures Pro-Democracy Win on Process

California improves the FAIR MAPS Act but misses opportunity to lead the nation on meaningful, long-term reform

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