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Voting & Elections 05.8.2020

Newsom Signs Order Ensuring That All Registered Voters Will Be Sent Mail-In Ballots for November’s General Election

“Today’s executive order is a critical first step to ensuring California’s November 2020 election is safe and accessible,” said Jonathan Mehta Stein, Executive Director of California Common Cause. “While other states are fighting for access to vote-by-mail ballots, Governor Newsom has ensured that for California voters and we can now push ahead, together, on the difficult work of ensuring in-person voting sites for voters with language needs, voters with disabilities, voters without reliable access to mail, and other voters who need in-person voting to access their vote.”

Voting & Elections 03.8.2020

Op-Ed: There’s a better way to vote: Choose more than one candidate and rank them

Ranked choice’s superiority is perhaps most clear in situations like this year’s Super Tuesday, where early voting combines with a big field. But it has other advantages; among them: It can prevent “vote-splitting” in races with multiple candidates from one party. For state and municipal elections, it can replace expensive winnowing caucuses and primaries altogether, saving money and time, but still giving voters the same level of choice...

Money & Influence 12.13.2018

L.A. beefs up public funding for city candidates, but critics warn it will backfire

When the Los Angeles City Council ultimately approved the new system Wednesday, the California Clean Money Campaign, California Common Cause and other groups said they were sorely disappointed.

Money & Influence 12.5.2018

‘Highly irregular’: Candidate took a salary from campaign contributions while running against Maxine Waters

A candidate paying himself a salary is “highly irregular,” said Kathay Feng, executive director of California Common Cause, who thinks the vast majority of candidates would refrain from doing it for fear it would look bad to voters and potential campaign donors.

Money & Influence 11.12.2018

The Health 202: The dialysis industry spent more than $100 million to beat a California ballot measure

Kati Phillips, spokeswoman for California Common Cause, which supports campaign finance reform, predicted the measure is not going away. “We will see this again,” she said.

Voting & Elections 11.6.2018

Voter interest high, problems few in populous California

California Common Cause, a nonpartisan good-government group, reported an unusually high number of calls from people experiencing problems voting, which could indicate higher turnout and confusion over changes in polling places, said spokeswoman Kati Phillips.

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