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Money & Influence 10.16.2015

L.A. City Councilmember’s bold idea to curb campaign spending

Only five months into his term as a newly elected Los Angeles City Councilmember, David Ryu is already starting to shake things up at City Hall when it comes to campaign finance reform.

Money & Influence 09.11.2015

California’s Proposition 49, The Overturn Citizens United Act To Have Its Day in Court At Last.

Late last week, the Court announced that they will hear oral arguments in Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association v Padilla on October 6th. The hearing will determine if Prop 49 will be restored to California’s November 2016 ballot.

Money & Influence 07.3.2014

Defending Democracy and Delivering Disclosure

Last week I took a break from my regular routine in Los Angeles by packing up and shipping out to hold power accountable from the source, California’s State Capitol.

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