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Voting & Elections 05.10.2017

Guest view: Let me introduce you to Gerry Mandering

Who is Gerry Mandering and what is he doing to the citizens of Wisconsin?

Voting & Elections 05.10.2017

Citizens Need to Keep Pressure on as Gerrymandered Legislative District Maps Lawsuit to be Considered by U.S. Supreme Court

As expected, last Friday Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel (R) appealed the November Federal three-judge Court panel ruling that the 2011 Republican gerrymander of Wisconsin's state legislative districts was unconstitutional. And as we have been detailing for the last month, Republican legislative leaders have, without your permission or public input, decided to utilize your tax dollars to defend the rigged, unconstitutional 2011 maps and that bill will run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Voting & Elections 05.10.2017

GOP Legislative Leaders Spending Taxpayer Funds for Unconstitutional, Rigged Voter Maps in Secret?

Last month, State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester), authorized – without public input, or even a vote in the Legislature – the expenditure of hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer funds to defend the 2011 state legislative district maps drawn in secret.

Voting & Elections 05.10.2017

Days of "Action" on Fair Voter Maps and Ending Partisan Gerrymandering in Wisconsin!

Common Cause in Wisconsin (CC/WI) is joining many other organizations in Wisconsin in urging our members and supporters to take action the rest of this week – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, May 3rd, 4th & 5th to elevate and advance fair voter maps and an end to partisan gerrymandering in Wisconsin.

Voting & Elections 03.6.2017

WISCONSIN If constituents don't stop bothering him, Sen. Ron Johnson will call the cops

His constituents would naturally like some face time with the Republican, who once claimed it's "lunacy" to blame humans for climate change, and wants to militarize immigration by building "forward operation bases" along the Mexican border.

Voting & Elections 03.2.2017

WISCONSIN Gerrymandered Legislative District Maps Lawsuit to be Considered by U.S. Supreme Court

Last Friday, Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel (R) appealed the November Federal three-judge Court panel ruling that the 2011 GOP gerrymander of WI's state legislative districts was unconstitutional.

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