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Ethics 03.1.2017

WISCONSIN Former GAB head Kevin Kennedy talks about ethics

The former head of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board met with members of Common Cause in Wisconsin to talk about the state of campaign finance, elections and ethics.

Money & Influence 02.24.2017

Activists, constituents hold 'empty chair town hall' for Sen. Ron Johnson

Roughly 500 constituents gathered at what was termed an “empty chair town hall” for Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., at the First Congregational Church in Madison Wednesday night.

Op-Ed: Stakes are huge as court orders end to gerrymandering

An unprecedented and decisive federal court order on Jan. 27 directed the Wisconsin Legislature to redraw and pass into law new state Assembly district boundary maps (which also determine state Senate district boundaries) before Nov. 1, 2017.

Voting & Elections 02.19.2017

John Humphries: Schooled by Team Walker, Betsy DeVos and ALEC

"The race to head the Department of Public Instruction is supposed to be non-partisan race, but it is only a matter of time before we see highly partisan, deep pocketed, out-of-state special interest players weigh in."

WISCONSIN: Taxpayers to be Fleeced by GOP Legislative Leaders for Defense of Rigged Voter Maps

Wisconsin GOP legislative leaders secretly sign contracts with two law firms to use taxpayer money to pay for defense of unconstitutional rigged voter maps.

Editorial: Wisconsin Republicans are robbing taxpayers to fund partisan schemes

Editorial: Wisconsin Republicans are robbing taxpayers to fund partisan schemes

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