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Colorado Common Cause Positions on 2020 Ballot Initiatives

It is important that every Coloradan not only exercise their right to vote, but votes their full ballot, and does so fully informed.

Creating fair maps for all Coloradans

Colorado's independent redistricting commission is accepting applications, and there's a lot of ways to get involved!

Voting & Elections 06.22.2020

Misrepresentation in Elections

First Past the Post voting often results in governments where the ratio of seats given to a certain party is not the same as the ratio of votes they got in the election.

Dispensaries & Businesses to Encourage Census Participation

Beginning this week, in honor of June 17th’s Census Day of Action, get out the count cards will appear in dispensaries and businesses throughout the state. The census is used to allocate public funding for investments that grow the economy, including schools, roads, and workforce development, among many others.

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Join us: Americans deserve open, honest, accountable government.