In November 2021, Nebraska state Sens Tom Brewer, Justin Wayne, Ben Hansen, Dave Murman, and Anna Wishart climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro. The event’s press coverage focused on the bipartisan nature of the effort that could build camaraderie and improve political relationships. What followed was a troubling look into how Nebraska senators can be used as advertising tools.

Standard Process Advertising

In the months following the climb, a photo of the five senators on top of Mt. Kilimanjaro holding a Standard Process banner appeared on the company’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram pages. The caption claimed that Sen. Hansen had advised the group on which supplements (presumably those provided by Standard Process) to use on the trip. It was clear the senators' climb was being used as part of the company’s social media promotion.

News Channel Nebraska Reporting

Joe Jordan with News Channel Nebraska took an interest in the story. With the photograph and gift reports in hand, Joe pursued the five senators and Standard Process.

Senators C-1s

Additional Information from Public Records Request