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Common Cause Hawaii scheduled events for 2024

Common Cause Hawaii  Webinar!!

There’s a CCHI Webinar scheduled for Wednesday, 31 July 2024 at 5:00 PM HST. The subject; Identifying and Fighting Misinformation. Registration and Zoom session Meeting ID will be announced later.

Learn How to Identify and Fight Misinformation as our Elections Near!

Common Cause Hawaii Events Already Held in 2022

  • January 25, 2022. Sylvia Albert, Common Cause Voting and Elections Director, and Sandy Ma, Common Cause Hawaii’s Executive Director, participated in a ThinkTech discussion on voting issues nationally and locally. Click here for the link to the YouTube video.
  • January 06, 2022. Common Cause Hawaii hosted a January 6th Remembrance Zoom Session Event this date. Many participants welcomed the opportunity to share their feelings about this terrible event at our nation’s Capitol Building a year ago. Here’s the Zoom link so you can see and hear what Hawaiians had to say – https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/VFhnf8rpMj3zdY7pC9eMs_gsOf4Y-ZMInqI6CAzsFQOzh1C1HqcuY-0VtNscsqwZ.VVFVsFHzoF-6WOPB. Please use PassCode t93@z&KP.

Common Cause Hawaii Events Held in 2021

  • November 08, 2021. Common Cause Hawaii’s Sandy Ma Awarded a 2021 Ho’okele Award. At a virtual awards ceremony held this date. Sandy was one of only five heads of non-profits in Hawaii on whom this honor was bestowed. The award was sponsored by the Honolulu Community Foundation and the ceremony was hosted by its chief, Micah Kane. The award recognizes leaders who are making an impact on the state. Photo shows CCHI Board Member Dave Anderson participating in the Zoom awards presentation.
  • September 28, 2021.Hawaii Reapportionment Map Training Session hosted by CCHI. A special thank you to David Rosenbrock and Royce Jones (from the State Reapportionment Commission) for being our awesome guests. And a big mahalo to Jacob Aki for his superb hosting efforts. Click here for a recording of the event. And Jacob provided several informative links for all of us on Reapportionment and Redistricting in Hawaii.

Hawaiʻi Redistricting Online – Video Tutorial:

Hawaiʻi Redistricting Online – Learning Resources:

Hawaiʻi State Reapportionment/Redistricting Commission Website:

City and County of Honolulu Redistricting Commission:

  • September 09, 2021. On this date, Common Cause Hawaii’s Executive Director, Sandy Ma, fresh off hosting a webinar on Redistricting in Hawaii on 07 Sep, was interviewed on ThinkTech, a public access show to talk about the redistricting issues in Hawaii. Click here for a YouTube video of this important interview.
  • September 07, 2021. Common Cause Hawaii hosted a webinar on this date: Redistricting in Hawai’i & the Counties, Why It Matters, & What YOU Can Do! Click here to view and share a recording of this important webinar. The Passcode is: w1wT8$B+ .
  • July 15, 2021. Common Cause Hawaii hosted a Automatic Voter Registration Mahalo Pau Hana at the Honolulu Beerworks on this date to celebrate the passage of AVR. Great fun enjoyed by all! Here are some photos from this spirited event:

  • June 24, 2021. Common Cause Hawaii Status of Democracy Webinar. This webinar discussed Democracy in Hawai`i: Post 2021 Legislative Session and Going Forward. Hosted by Common Cause Hawaii, three panelists – all Hawaii State Legislators – Senator Karl Rhoads, Senator Chris Lee, and Representative Della Au Belatti – joined in to discuss the way forward for democracy in Hawaii. Click here for a recording of this lively webinar Zoom session.
  • April 29, 2021. Common Cause Hawaii’s Executive Director, Sandy Ma, appeared on ThinkTech, talking about  Common Cause Hawaii legislative efforts on voting and ethics in Hawaii with host Jay Fidell. The video of the show was streamed live and has been uploaded to youtube.com/thinktechhawaii.
  • March 18, 2021. Common Cause Hawaii’s Executive Director, Sandy Ma, participated in Chaminade University’s Service-Learning Symposium. Sandy – via Zoom – discussed with the students in the symposium what the mission of Common Cause is and how students can get involved in advocating, along with Common Cause, for issues of interest to the students. Issues like working for good governance in Hawaii and for transparency among our elected officials. You can view Sandy Ma’s remarks by clicking here and scrolling down to the third line of topics.
  • March 18, 2021. Common Cause Hawaii’s Executive Director, Sandy Ma, participated in a taping with Think.Tech, a public access program. The video taping covered Automatic Voter Registration, voting reforms, and general common cause work. Click here for the YouTube version of this program.
  • March 08, 2021. Common Cause Hawaii’s Executive Director, Sandy Ma, participated in a Hawaii State Senate Talk Story on Automatic Voter Registration. Also participating were State Senators Chris Lee and Karl Rhoads. You can watch a recording of this event by clicking here.
  • January 28, 2021 Honolulu Civil Beat hosted a Civil Cafe panel previewing Hawaii’s 2021 legislative session with Chad Blair, Civil Beat’s politics and opinion editor, the leaders of the Hawaii Legislature (House Speaker Scott Saiki and Senate President Ron Kouchi) and the head of the good-government nonprofit Common Cause Hawaii. If you missed this event you can watch the recording here.
  • January 23, 2021 Special Membership and Public Meeting Webinar on Common Cause Hawaii’s 2021 Legislative Priorities, Status of the Gut & Replace lawsuit, and how to testify in the current legislative session. To view the recording of this Zoom webinar, please click here. And click here for a PDF file where you can view the slide show on interacting with the Hawaii State Capitol website to enter remotely written and oral testimony on bills.
  • January 14, 2021 PBS Insights discussion on the 2021 Legislative Session with Sen. Jarrett Keohokalole and Rep. Gene Ward and Common Cause Hawaii [please include this hyperlink]
  • January 10, 2021 Public Policy Advocacy Training: How has COVID-19 changed the way we interact with elected officials? This webinar was sponsored by Common Cause Hawaii and many coalition partners. [please include this hyperlink]

Election Protection

Common Cause Hawaii is looking for volunteers for our Election Protection activities:

  • Roving Drop Box and Voter Service Center Monitors on all Islands
  • Texting Registered Voters about the Vote-By-Mail Process and Deadlines
  • Social Media Monitoring for Misinformation / Disinformation
  • Election Protection Hotline Staffing on November 3rd
  • Joining Our AEVote Campaign to Get Out the Message on the Importance of Voting

Common Cause Hawaii will provide training, materials, and guidance once you join our Election Protection Ohana!

Sign Up Now To Be A Common Cause Hawaii Election Protection Volunteer!

We need your help to make November 3rd a success and ensure that everyone can vote safely! Our volunteers’ safety is main priority and many of our volunteer activities can be done remotely, safely!

You can be the difference between a poorly-run election and an election in which every Hawaii voter is able to cast a ballot.

Upcoming Events

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