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What CCHI worked on during the 2020 Legislative Session, that ended on 10 July

CCHI priorities as the session opened on January 15th included: 1) Legislation strengthening our ethics laws and campaign finance reform to get money out of politics, 2) Automatic Voter Registration, 3) Improving our Vote By Mail law for the 2020 Elections, 4) Transparency and accountability through remote testimony at the legislature, and 5) Stopping Article V Constitutional Convention


SB2858 Fails to Meet Constitutional Requirement

Money & Influence 07.3.2014

Abercrombie Decides Not to Veto Public Financial Disclosure Bill

The Hawaii law will take effect July 8, but questions over how it will apply to existing board members remain unanswered.

Money & Influence 07.3.2014

Hawaii financial disclosure bill will become law

HONOLULU (AP) - Gov. Neil Abercrombie says he will let a financial disclosure bill become law without his signature.

Money & Influence 07.3.2014

Financial disclosures will widen

Gov. Neil Abercrombie says he will allow pending legislation to become law that adds members of 15 state boards and commissions to the list of public officials whose financial interests are publicly disclosed.

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