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Voting & Elections 06.18.2024

Groups Issue Statements Following Albuquerque City Council Decision to Advance Anti-Democracy Proposal to Ballot

Today, the Albuquerque City Council voted to advance a controversial charter amendment to the ballot in the 2024 General Election, which would originally lower the threshold to be elected mayor or city councilor from the current 50 percent of the vote to 40 percent. During the meeting, the City Council voted to amend the proposal further, eliminating the voting threshold altogether and only permitting runoffs if two leading candidates tie.

Common Cause Applauds Funding to Increase Legislative Staff, Bills to Label “Deep Fakes” and Make School Board Campaigns More Transparent

…but says Short Session, Partisan Rancor Left Many Key Measures Behind

Voting & Elections 01.9.2024

Molly Swank named Executive Director of Common Cause New Mexico

Molly Swank was named Jan. 1 as Executive Director of Common Cause New Mexico, a non-partisan voting rightsgroup dedicated to upholding the core values of American democracy — equal access to the ballot and open, honest and accountable government. Swank has a wealth of experience in community organizing and non-profit management.

Voting & Elections 03.18.2023

Common Cause on 2023 Session’s Historic Election Bills and Failure of Modernization Amendments

End-of-Session Statement 2023 NM Legislature

Voting & Elections 03.15.2023

Common Cause Applauds Election Code Update Passed by the Legislature

SB 180, sponsored by Sen. Katy Duhigg, Sen. Leo Jaramillo and Rep. Gail Chasey, will result in more efficient and secure elections according to Common Cause New Mexico. The bill was passed by the NM House today and is headed to the Governor.

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