Modernization Day of Action -- Tell legislators what reflective representation means to you!   Tell us you're joining us at the Roundhouse February 11!


About Us

We hold power accountable and make government work for everyday New Mexicans.

Common Cause New Mexico and our members work together to build a better democracy.

We put our proven policy expertise, our network of grassroots supporters, and our nonpartisan approach into action to strengthen our democracy against the challenges it faces today. We work across New Mexico on priorities that impact each of our lives—like defending the right to vote, making our government more accountable, promoting transparency, and more.

When We the People come together, we can make a real and lasting difference. Taking action with Common Cause New Mexico means joining a powerful movement in pursuit of a democracy that gives all of us a voice in the decisions that shape our future.

Common Cause works...

In the Legislature

At the national, state, and local level, Common Cause works with officials from across the political spectrum to pass proven, common-sense solutions and stop attacks on our rights. Our team members and supporters are frequent visitors to the U.S. Capitol and statehouses across the country, meeting with decision-makers to discuss target legislation. We have a long history of making lasting change through the legislative process.

In the Courts

Common Cause has played a key role in some of the most impactful court cases over the last several decades. We work at every level of the country’s legal system, including the U.S. Supreme Court, and have consistently demonstrated that through hard-hitting legal action, we can make real progress on the democracy issues that count—like fair redistricting, government transparency, and money in politics.

On the Ground

Common Cause’s power lies in its 1.5 million supporters nationwide. We mobilize our members at lobby days in statehouses to advocate for key reforms and shut down harmful bills; as Election Protection monitors, helping voters each Election Day; at pro-democracy rallies and demonstrations across the country; and much, much more. We know that when our members turn out and work together, we get results.

And Beyond...

Common Cause is committed to leading the most important fights for our democracy, no matter where they take place. We show up in many ways—including online, where our members contact legislators in support of target bills, spread the word about our work on social media, and report harmful election disinformation.

Our Impact

Common Cause New Mexico knows how to win reforms that reach every corner of our state. We work alongside allies and leaders in communities throughout New Mexico to ensure all of us have the representation we deserve. Learn more about some of our key victories—and how you can play a meaningful role in the fight for an open, honest, and accountable government.

Discover Our Impact

Our Team

The staff at Common Cause New Mexico work day in and day out in the name of transparency, fairness, and the right to be heard in our democracy. Our expertise, collaboration, and creativity drive all of the crucial work we do for our state. Get to know us, get connected—and reach out with questions about Common Cause New Mexico’s latest efforts.

About Us

Discover the Common Cause Education Fund

Common Cause’s 501(c)(3) affiliate leads public education campaigns, spearheads key research efforts, and more. All Education Fund donations are tax-deductible.

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Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.




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