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Voting & Elections 03.7.2017

NEW MEXICO Monday Win for Ethics

Common Cause New Mexico is thrilled that HJR 8 to create an Independent State Ethics Commission cleared the House Judiciary Committee!

Voting & Elections 03.5.2017

NEW MEXICO Two Weeks Left and we are Still Moving

Common Cause New Mexico is thrilled to announce that Automatic Voter Registration passed the House floor late last night!

Voting & Elections 02.20.2017

NEW MEXICO A Busy Week Ahead for Better Government!

Common Cause New Mexico is preparing for Student Advocacy Day at the Roundhouse and priority bills coming up in committee and on the Senate Floor!

Voting & Elections 02.4.2017

NEW MEXICO More Wins for the Weekend!

Common Cause New Mexico thanks Legislators for advancing National Popular Vote legislation and a bill to no longer allow candidates to accept any contribution during a legislative session.

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