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Voting & Elections 10.26.2023

Rejected ballots cited in push for same-day registration

"For backers of the perennial push to authorize same-day registration, the numbers are proof that the state should be doing things differently."

Voting & Elections 10.26.2023

Report: Mass. gets high marks for transparency, inclusiveness on redistricting

The commonwealth got an A-, the highest grade in the nation.


Memo on Provisional Ballots Cast in 2022 General Election

Why Massachusetts Needs Same-Day Voter Registration

Voting & Elections 09.13.2023

Voting Rights Groups, Residents Overwhelmingly Support Voting ACCESS Act

Democracy, disability, religious, and homelessness advocates support comprehensive election administration bill

Voting & Elections 07.6.2023

As states hunt for new voters, Massachusetts adds thousands via Medicaid applications

Executive director Geoff Foster talks about the benefits of Massachusetts's automatic voter registration system.

Voting & Elections 06.28.2023

Election Modernization Coalition Celebrates One Year of the VOTES Act

"We’re grateful that a year ago, our leaders took crucial steps toward a more accessible and equitable democracy."

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