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We're building a government for everyone, not the wealthy few.

To have a democracy of, by, and for the people, we need a government that gives everyone an equal voice. But today, wealthy special interests and their lobbyists have thrown our system out of balance—they make the rules and set the agenda. That’s why we’re fighting for reforms that diminish the influence of big money in politics.

Money & Influence Campaigns...

Disclosure and Transparency

Disclosure in campaign finance is key to a healthy, strong, and fair democracy.

Citizen-Funded Elections

Public campaign financing makes elections fairer and more accessible - vote NO on Amendment 6 on the November 2024 Florida ballot!

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Help Your Neighbors

If you want to help your friends, family and neighbors register to vote, learn more about what you can do!

Protect Your Vote

Florida voters who want to keep voting by mail must submit a NEW mail ballot request for 2023-24. Request yours now!

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Join us: Americans deserve open, honest, accountable government.