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Voting & Elections 02.1.2022

Florida Senate to Consider Another Package of Election Changes

The substitute dropped yesterday would make changes to what seems like every facet of election law, at the same time elections supervisors are trying to implement all the changes made last year. In addition, the supervisors need to prepare for tasks from redistricting and reprecincting.

Voting & Elections 05.6.2021

LDF Files Lawsuit Against the State of Florida Over Suppressive Voting Law

“Every voter in America has the right to have their voice heard, by casting and having their ballot counted — that’s how our government ‘by the people’ is supposed to work. Florida voters should have the freedom to cast their ballots in the same ways they have voted in past election cycles.”

Voting & Elections 05.5.2021

Grassroots Groups Urge Gov. DeSantis to Veto Anti-Voter Bill

"We are particularly concerned that SB 90, by design, seeks to silence voters’ voices based on what they look like or where they come from," the organizations said.

Voting & Elections 04.28.2021

Florida House Passes Anti-Voter Bill

Hundreds of Common Cause Florida members have contacted their elected officials to oppose these changes in voting access. But SB 90 is moving fast, being pushed through the legislative process during a session that has been notable for its lack of transparency and difficulty of public participation.

Voting & Elections 02.19.2021

Florida Voters Need to Pay Attention to Partisan Proposals to Change Our Elections System

Our elected officials are supposed to represent ‘the people’ – not partisan or special interests.  Gov. DeSantis’ proposals to make it harder to vote are completely contrary to the interests of ‘the people’ of Florida. They are completely contrary to his glowing assessment of our November election. They are clearly in service of partisan interests -- and we’ve already seen where that can lead.  

Common Cause Florida calls for immediate resignation of Sen. Rick Scott and Twelve Members of Congress

In the wake of Wednesday’s insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Common Cause Florida is calling for the immediate resignation of Sen. Rick Scott and 12 members of Congress after they voted to overturn the will of the people.

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