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Voting & Elections 05.28.2024

Florida Cannot Allow its Voter List Maintenance to be Dictated by Error-Prone Software

"Private individuals mass-questioning the voting eligibility of thousands of their fellow voters is un-American, and it's not allowed under Florida law," said Sylvia Albert, Democracy and Representation Policy Counsel of Common Cause.

Voting Rights Groups Send Congressional Map Back for Review

“A map that moved through the legislative process with intent to discriminate against the voters cannot stand,” said Amy Keith, Common Cause Florida Executive Director.

Money & Influence 03.6.2024

"Seeking to repeal laws that address this issue of special interests and big campaign donors is a step backward. It silences the voices of everyday Floridians and gives favor to the wealthy to corrupt our politics," said Amy Keith Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.

Money & Influence 02.7.2024

“Make no mistake: Floridians know that wealthy special interests and big campaign donors have too much power in politics. Seeking to repeal laws that address this issue would be a step backward," said Amy Keith, Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.

Voting & Elections 01.25.2024

Civil Rights Leaders Hold Joint Press Conference at the State Capitol to Address Legislative Attacks on Floridians

“Yesterday, we reminded legislators that Black voters in Florida have a right to have their voices heard and their votes counted,” said Amy Keith Executive Director, Common Cause Florida.

Voting & Elections 11.30.2023

Amy Keith Named Executive Director of Common Cause Florida

"Amy’s two decades of coalition building experience will serve the people of Florida well in her new role,” said Common Cause interim co-president Marilyn Carpinteyro.

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