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Media Contact: Jennifer Garcia, jgarcia@commoncause.org, 727-717-2308

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Money & Influence 02.7.2024

“Make no mistake: Floridians know that wealthy special interests and big campaign donors have too much power in politics. Seeking to repeal laws that address this issue would be a step backward," said Amy Keith, Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.

"The last minute ‘poison pill’ amendments rushed into the Senate Ethics bill will paralyze ethics complaints against public officials who have violated the public trust," said Amy Keith, Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.


"Let’s be very clear: This is NOT a good-government reform. It’s a power grab on one of the few checks citizens have on an unresponsive legislature," said Executive Director Amy Keith.

Voting & Elections 01.25.2024

Civil Rights Leaders Hold Joint Press Conference at the State Capitol to Address Legislative Attacks on Floridians

“Yesterday, we reminded legislators that Black voters in Florida have a right to have their voices heard and their votes counted,” said Amy Keith Executive Director, Common Cause Florida.

Florida Court Shirks Responsibility to Halt Unfair Voting Map

“This decision blatantly ignores the will of Florida voters who—more than a decade ago—demanded Fair Districts that protect representation for communities of color."

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