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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Media & Democracy 09.4.2019

Media, Government, US

The media merger pot keeps boiling. It appears that the Federal Communications Commission is about to approve another damaging deal, this one between Nexstar and Tribune.

Media & Democracy 08.12.2019

The FCC’s Proposal to Cap Broadband Funding Would Leave Millions of Americans Without Internet Access

Universal service is the principle that all Americans, regardless of location or income, deserve ubiquitous and affordable access to communications services, which have become integral to our lives. Communications services allow us to connect with friends, family, employers, schools, government institutions, and ultimately participate in our democracy.

Media & Democracy 05.15.2019

Undermining Journalism Serves Trumps Narrow Legal and Political Goals; Apparently the First Amendment Isn’t Too High a Price for Him to Pay

Despite Trump’s attempts to distract the public and control the narrative by waging a war on the media, we simply cannot ignore the dangerous precedent he is setting for the role of the free press in our democracy. By dismissing credible reporting, painting news outlets as a threat, and even endangering the lives of journalists, he’s constantly undermining the free and independent press as one of our core democratic institutions. An informed, engaged public is vital to a functioning democracy. Journalists play a critical role in holding our elected officials accountable and providing the public with news and information to make informed decisions about our government. Trump’s war on the media poses a serious threat to our democracy.

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