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For media inquiries please contact: Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org and 617-807-4032

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Common Cause Delaware opposes bill to allow “artificial entities” to vote in municipal elections

Common Cause Delaware opposes bill to allow “artificial entities” to vote in municipal elections

“You Should Live Where You Legislate:” Common Cause Delaware Applauds Passage of Residency Requirement

Claire Snyder-Hall on the importance of a new constitutional amendment that requires that elected officials remain residents of the district they were elected to serve.

BREAKING – Delaware Auditor Convicted of Conflict of Interest and Misconduct

Violations of the public trust are very serious offenses in a democracy. We trust the court will impose the sentence that is deserved in this case. And we know that Common Cause Delaware will continue working to strengthen ethics laws, until they are as clear and tough as they need to be.

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