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Money & Influence 04.30.2024

"We went from being the progressive good government promised land to the political wasteland of the country."

Wisconsin needs to begin to figure out a better way to elect state Supreme Court justices and judges at all levels and those discussions need to begin in earnest now.

Money & Influence 09.3.2018

Voters Needed to Save Democracy

There are some elections which prove to be more important than others in the operation of our democracy. One such election is this November. This importance will require voters truly concerned about the health of our nation's democracy to put the current state of hyper-partisanship, and too often single issue voting, aside and do some broader candidate analysis.

Money & Influence 06.13.2018

Wisconsin Government Infected With Political Equivalent of Emerald Ash Borer

All three branches of Wisconsin government continue to be infected with the political equivalent of the emerald ash borer. The Supreme Court, the Legislature and the Governor’s office are under the influence of far too much special interest money and the corruption it breeds.

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