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DiPalma Introduces Public Records Access Legislation

John Marion's comment on legislation introduced by State Sen. Lou DiPalma that will expand access to public records.

State officials will try once again to reform APRA laws

Will recent high-profile issues inspire the legislature to make changes to ARPA this session?

Opinion: The bridge Rhode Island has come to: Reforming the Access to Public Records Act

The public demands better accountability from government officials. Thankfully, two lawmakers have introduced bills to reinforce the public’s right to know.

Media & Democracy 03.12.2024

Rhode Island was once last in region on public records access. It’s still playing catchup

A strong public records law, Marion said, “gives us a shot to see what’s going on, and potentially fix it.”

Rhode Island Commerce board doesn’t stream or record its meetings. And it’s not alone.

“It’s 2024. It’s really not that big of a burden for public bodies with large budgets.”

Access to public records was a problem in the bridge shutdown. Will that help reforms pass?

Could interest in what happened to the Washington Bridge be a catalyst for changes to state open-records law that make it easier for the public to find out what state and local governments are doing?

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