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With Court Approval, Transparency Leads to Fairer Maps in Michigan

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With Court Approval, Transparency Leads to Fairer Maps in Michigan

This case has shown that a people-led redistricting process is the best course for transparency and fair maps

With Map Approval, Citizen Process Proves To Be Best Choice for Michigan

We see the value of involving the public in an open redistricting process, instead of private decisions in secret and partisan discussions behind closed doors at the state Capitol.

After Failed Appeal, MICRC Is Best Equipped to Pass New Maps

In response to the U.S. Supreme Court denying the appeal of the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission, Common Cause Michigan Executive Director Quentin Turner released the following statement:

50 State Report: Michigan Earns Above Average Grade for Redistricting from Common Cause

LANSING, MI — Today, Common Cause, the leading anti-gerrymandering group, published a report grading the redistricting process in all 50 states from the view of the community. The comprehensive report evaluates public access, outreach, and education in each state based on an analysis of more than 120 detailed surveys and more than 60 interviews. 

Common Cause Files Amicus Brief Requesting Review of Michigan State Senate Voting Map for Racial Gerrymandering

LANSING, MI — Today, Common Cause filed a joint amicus brief with Michigan State University professor Jon X. Eguia in Agee v. Benson, a case in which plaintiffs argue that Michigan’s state legislative maps violate the U.S. Constitution and the Voting Rights Act.

U.S. Census Bureau Releases New Format of Data for a More Participatory Redistricting Process

Today, the U.S. Census Bureau will release population data from the 2020 Census in an easy-to-use format for Americans who want to advocate for fair maps in this year’s redistricting cycle. The new format of the data will be made available to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico and will be key to increasing participation in the ongoing redistricting efforts.

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