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Money & Influence 05.4.2016

Statement on Governor Baker PAC Fundraising

Statement of Pam Wilmot, Executive Director of Common Cause Massachusetts, in response to the May 1st, 2016 Boston Globe article “Top donors could gain more access to Baker, officials.”

Money & Influence 04.2.2015

Advocates Rally for Executive Order on Disclosure

Press Release from Common Cause MA upon the event of April 2nd, 2015 rally for campaign finance reform and petition to President Obama for executive order on disclosure of political spending by federal contractors.

Money & Influence 02.24.2015

Common Cause Massachusetts Statement on Goldwater Institute Lawsuit

Common Cause Massachusetts Statement on Goldwater Institute Lawsuit against Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance

Money & Influence 01.14.2015

Studies Show Big Donors Dominated Competitive 2014 Congressional Races

Boston - Near the 5th anniversary of the Citizens United decision, public interest organizations working to eliminate big money in politics released reports detailing the effects this verdict has had on our government and elections.

Money & Influence 07.24.2014

Senate Unanimously Approves SuperPAC Disclosure Bill

Last night the Massachusetts Senate unanimously approved cutting edge legislation to require real-time disclosure of donors to SuperPACs and other groups and would shed light on the huge influx of money expected in the 2014 gubernatorial race.

Money & Influence 06.19.2014

SuperPAC Disclosure Bill Clears Legislative Committee

Common Cause Calls Legislation One of the Strongest Disclosure Laws in the Country

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