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New Momentum in Illinois

Common Cause Illinois hires new staff in order to win upcoming reforms for Illinois.


Voter Empowerment Pledge

Recently passed reforms such as Election Day Registration encourage participation in our democracy. But Illinoisans still need policies that lower voting barriers. The following bills, currently under consideration in Springfield, will further expand the vote. By signing the Voter Empowerment Pledge, you can join Common Cause Illinois in supporting these important reforms and tell lawmakers to pass them.

Ethics 03.18.2015

It’s Time for Congress to Get Rid of the “I Didn’t Know Better” Excuse

Rep. Aaron Schock’s resignation makes an open and shut case for stronger ethics enforcement and training in Congress. Ignoring yet another case of an elected official’s egregious misconduct will only perpetuate the already high level of mistrust by the people of Illinois.

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Join us: We deserve open, honest, and accountable government.