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Money & Influence 03.6.2024

"Seeking to repeal laws that address this issue of special interests and big campaign donors is a step backward. It silences the voices of everyday Floridians and gives favor to the wealthy to corrupt our politics," said Amy Keith Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.

Money & Influence 02.7.2024

“Make no mistake: Floridians know that wealthy special interests and big campaign donors have too much power in politics. Seeking to repeal laws that address this issue would be a step backward," said Amy Keith, Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.

Voting & Elections 04.4.2023

TODAY at 2pm: Florida Republicans to Fast Track Bill to Raise Barriers for Voters

“After years of Florida being the gold standard in well-run elections, this bill would make it harder for elections officials to administer a safe and secure election for all.”

Florida Grassroots Groups call for More Transparency, Public Access to Legislative Processes

Three weeks ago, a group of more than 30 Florida organizations wrote to legislative leaders urging them to “ensure accountability and an open, accessible, and transparent process that allows for meaningful input from the public.” With the policies the organizations object to remaining largely unchanged, the groups held a media briefing to highlight the need for accessible technology, procedures for public testimony and other methods to ensure that the Legislature provides ample opportunities for public input.

Money & Influence 02.11.2021

Organizations Renew call on Florida House and Senate Leaders to Increase Transparency, Public Access to Legislative Proceedings

Last week, more than 30 grassroots organizations told legislative leaders they “are deeply concerned about government transparency and public oversight” and outlined specific requests. To date, despite followup phone calls, the organizations have not received any substantive response to their letter, and the policies the organizations object to remain unchanged. 

Money & Influence 06.8.2016

Floridians Must Have Full Accounting of Trump-Bondi Connection

Florida's attorney general owes voters a full accounting of her handling of fraud allegations against Trump University and her acceptance of campaign contributions from a Trump-affiliated charity.

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