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Voting & Elections 09.15.2014

Common Cause North Carolina Highlights Unfair Representation in New Mailer

North Carolina mailing to rising American electorate

Voting & Elections 09.12.2014

Another One Caught on Tape

Georgia Election official was caught complaining that more young people, seniors, and people of color are registering to vote.

Money & Influence 09.11.2014

7 Ridiculous Arguments Ted Cruz Made Against the Democracy for All Amendment

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said some very bizarre things on Tuesday as he and his colleagues debated the Democracy for All amendment, which would overturn the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision and allow Congress to again regulate campaign spending.

Media & Democracy 09.10.2014

Net Neutrality is a Democracy Issue

The Internet is the cornerstone of 21st century democracy - it's how we learn about and debate the issues of the day. It's how we organize to make change. If the FCC surrenders on the core Open Internet principles, that would allow Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to create fast lanes for the deep pocketed few and stifle our ability to connect and communicate online.

Money & Influence 09.9.2014

As Wall Street Profits Rise, Students Left Underwater

Opponents of the Democracy for All amendment to overturn Citizens United and restore limits on special interest campaign spending argue that the amendment will “limit speech.” That’s wrong. It will lift the voices of millions who are facing student loan debt by giving them a more equal say in our political system and limit the influence of outside special interests seeking to profit their debt.

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