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Money & Influence 09.18.2014

Statement on Introduction of Bipartisan Political Intelligence Transparency Act

Common Cause Statement on Introduction of Bipartisan Political Intelligence Transparency Act


On Constitution Day, Five Ways to Defend Our Democracy

September 17th is Constitution Day - here are five ways we can live up to the promise of our national charter.

Voting & Elections 09.17.2014

Maryland Rally and Run to End Rampant Gerrymandering Begins September 19

Thursday release on Gerrymander Meander

Voting & Elections 09.17.2014

Maryland's 225-mile Gerrymander Meander: a marathon ‘exercise for democracy’

Feature release for Maryland Gerrymander Meander

Voting & Elections 09.17.2014

Common Cause North Carolina Discusses Gerrymandering in Radio Interview

Jane Pinsky on North Carolina public radio discussing gerrymandering

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