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Media & Democracy 02.5.2015

3 great things & 3 takeaways from the Open Internet announcement

By now, you've heard the news: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced its Open Internet ("net neutrality") rules. The FCC is poised to vote the strongest possible net neutrality protections into law.

Media & Democracy 02.4.2015

Like Baseball and Apple Pie

The large broadband providers say that they support net neutrality in the same way that we all support baseball and apple pie, but the devil's in the details.

Media & Democracy 02.2.2015

Your Guide To The Net Neutrality Fight's Final Weeks

All eyes are on the FCC this week as they gear up to release their proposed Open Internet rules, which they'll vote on at their February 26th meeting. Here's a preview of what's to come, and a few potential pitfalls:

Media & Democracy 01.20.2015

Can You Hear Us Now?

In a digital age, communities that have long been either the subject of debate or voiceless stereotype now have the means to control their own story. The open Internet provides a way to give the voices of the unheard shape, meaning, and direction.

Media & Democracy 11.13.2014

John Oliver on Net Neutrality

Everyone's talking about net neutrality this week, so we thought we'd take a look back to the hilarious send-up John Oliver did of the issue last summer. He explains what's going on, tells us what's at stake, and urges hordes of internet commenters to direct their outrage towards the FCC's public comment process.

Media & Democracy 11.10.2014

President Obama calls for full net neutrality

Those of us fighting for a free and open Internet got some good news this morning. President Obama just reiterated his strong stance on net neutrality, and asked FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to reclassify broadband internet as a telecommunications service.

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