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Voting & Elections 10.7.2014

A Shameful Ruling

A federal appeals court late Monday reinstituted Wisconsin’s hotly-disputed Voter ID law, reversing a district court’s order in Frank v. Walker, and complicating plans for a mid-term election that’s now less than four weeks away.

Voting & Elections 09.12.2014

Another One Caught on Tape

Georgia Election official was caught complaining that more young people, seniors, and people of color are registering to vote.

Voting & Elections 08.14.2014

An entirely different landscape

Since the Supreme Court, in Shelby Co. v. Holder, eviscerated Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, a statute that for decades protected against discrimination at polling places in a number of historically-discriminating jurisdictions, states across the country – some previously covered by the act, others not – have been, in quick succession, passing and implementing legislation making it harder for many, including people of color once protected by the VRA, to cast their ballots in elections.

Voting & Elections 12.5.2013

Voter ID proponents mask their true purpose

There's nothing patriotic about silencing minorities and other marginalized members of society to preserve and maintain legislative power.

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