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Media & Democracy 04.17.2015

A Broad Coalition Against Comcast

You have to hand it to Comcast, they really know how to organize the opposition.

Media & Democracy 04.6.2015

Who's in the tank for Comcast?

Comcast is a big, big, spender. It employs an army of lobbyists who use cash to influence everything from telecoms to ag policy (no really, last year it lobbied on the farm bill.) Their influence peddling extends up and down the ballot - from their 124 federal lobbyists, to their state-level meddling through ALEC, all the way down to city-level politics.

Media & Democracy 09.25.2014

Comcast: Stop making groundless accusations

This week Comcast derided opponents of its disastrous proposal to buy its biggest rival, Time Warner Cable, accusing us and our allies of "extortion."

Media & Democracy 09.25.2014

Comcast's Groundless Charge Requires Apology

Comcast owes Common Cause an apology after making baseless accusation.

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