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Trump's Team Pledges Allegiance - To Trump

A few days after denying that he requested a personal loyalty pledge from FBI Director James Comey, President Trump on Monday gave Americans what must have been an unintended demonstration of just how much he values loyalty in his associates.

Sessions Set to Testify Tuesday

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is set to testify at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing tomorrow.

Drinks on the White House

At bars and pubs across Washington this morning, an assortment of political junkies gathered around the flat screens to watch former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Kentucky Governor's Home Purchase Drawing Scrutiny

The chairman of Common Cause Kentucky is asking the state’s Executive Ethics Commission to investigate whether Gov. Matt Bevin’s purchase of a mansion in a wealthy Louisville suburb earlier this year violated Kentucky’s ethics laws.

Forum Spotlights Trump Administration's Ethics Deficit

American democracy is becoming a money-making enterprise for wealthy private interests and possibly Russians, according to a panel of lawmakers and public interest advocates who spoke at a press briefing and forum on Capitol Hill this morning.

Trump Hotels Not Tracking Payments from Foreign Governments

Remember when Donald Trump promised that during his presidency any profits his hotels gain through business with foreign governments would be donated to the U.S. Treasury? Apparently, he doesn’t.

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