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Money & Influence 06.12.2017

CHOICE Act Demonstrates Banking Industry's Muscle

Banks are supposed to protect people’s money, and politicians are supposed to represent people’s interests. But a bill which passed the House of Representatives last week would put people’s savings in jeopardy, enrich the banks, and fatten the campaign chests of its congressional supporters.

Money & Influence 06.6.2017

Power Grab from Above

President Trump’s plan to turn air traffic control (ATC) over to the private sector would shift millions of dollars worth of public assets into private hands and potentially provide a multi-billion dollar shot in the arm to the airline industry, a reliable contributor to Trump’s Republican allies on Capitol Hill.

Money & Influence 06.4.2017

Trump's Exit from Climate Deal Defies Public Opinion

President Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement is a potential boon to the U.S. fossil fuel industry, a major source of campaign cash for Trump and his Republican allies in Congress

Money & Influence 06.2.2017

Lenders Put Your Money to Work - for Themselves

If you’re wondering how special interests and high-dollar donors threaten the proper function of our democracy, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (CFPB) is a pretty good place to start looking.

Money & Influence 05.26.2017

Nevada Joins the March to Overturn Citizens United

Nevada on Thursday became the 19th state to formally call on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and permit Congress and state legislatures to put sensible limits on political spending.

Money & Influence 05.22.2017

Women Face Political Obstacles, but Can Overcome Them

Two women who’ve seen firsthand the institutional and structural barriers that confront women running for political office - and have demonstrated that those barriers can be overcome - shared their insights on women in politics this morning with an audience of politically minded women.

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