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Common Cause Delaware Urges Georgetown Town Council to Reject Public Funding Request from Private Organization Hosting Confederate Monument and Flag

Monday night, Georgetown Town Councilors will choose whether or not to use almost $25,000 of taxpayer money to subsidize a private organization that hosts a Confederate monument and proudly flies the Confederate flag.

House Committee Considers Legislation to Strengthen Delaware’s Whistleblower Protection Act

Common Cause Delaware seeks to hold power accountable. Whistleblowers often play a key role in holding employers accountable, and so it is important for them to be protected from intimidation and retaliation. 

Common Cause Delaware Calls on Rep. Shupe to Ensure Delawareans can Vote Safely in 2022 Elections

During 2020, temporary COVID provisions allowed all voters in Delaware to vote by mail. But if the pending constitutional amendment is not passed soon, Delaware’s voters are likely to lose this voting option.

Over 200 Delawareans Mark January 6th Anniversary with Night Vigil

The event, hosted by local grassroots organizations, was one of 300+ nationwide. The “Remembrance and Vigil” also called for action to strengthen and protect our country’s democracy.

Voting & Elections 12.28.2021

Delawareans to Mark January 6th Anniversary with Night Vigil

The “Remembrance and Vigil” will also call for action to strengthen and protect our country’s democracy. The event, hosted by local grassroots organizations, will be one of 200+ nationwide.

Voting & Elections 11.12.2021

‘Time to Act’ Honk and Wave Events Urge Senator Coons to Fix Filibuster and Get Voting Bills Passed

The events were part of a national “Time to Act” week of action, designed to demonstrate the urgency of passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Overall, more than 80 grassroots events are being held during the U.S. Senate’s recess week.

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