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Money & Influence 10.28.2021

‘Voices for Democracy’ Car Parade Urges Senators Coons and Carper to ‘do everything in their power’ to get Pro-Voter Bills to President Biden’s Desk

Delawareans joined in a “car parade” to visit their US Senators’ offices in support of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

State Legislators Urge Carper and Coons to ‘Do Whatever it Takes’ to Pass the For The People Act

Delaware’s Senate Majority Leadership and 17 other state legislators have sent a letter to US Senators Carper and Coons, thanking them for their support of the For the People Act and urging them “to do whatever it takes to pass it and get it to President Biden’s desk, even if it means reforming the filibuster.”

Money & Influence 07.15.2021

Common Cause Delaware and 25 Other Grassroots Organizations Thank Senators Carper and Coons for Cosponsoring the ‘For the People Act’ and Request Meetings with Them

The For the People Act would create national standards for voting access, get big money out of politics, enforce ethics standards for all three branches of government, and require congressional districts to be drawn by a non-partisan commission so that no one party has an advantage.

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