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For media inquiries please contact: Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org and 617-807-4032

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50 State Report: Delaware Earns C- for Redistricting from Common Cause

"Though we made some improvements in terms of transparency, we need to prepare Delaware voters to engage more next time around."

Voting & Elections 06.20.2023

TODAY: Delaware House to Hear Reintroduction of Controversial Corporate Voting Rights Bill

Common Cause Delaware strongly opposes bill to allow “artificial entities” to vote in municipal elections

Common Cause Delaware opposes bill to allow “artificial entities” to vote in municipal elections

Common Cause Delaware opposes bill to allow “artificial entities” to vote in municipal elections

Common Cause Delaware Urges Georgetown Town Council to Reject Public Funding Request from Private Organization Hosting Confederate Monument and Flag

Monday night, Georgetown Town Councilors will choose whether or not to use almost $25,000 of taxpayer money to subsidize a private organization that hosts a Confederate monument and proudly flies the Confederate flag.

Voting & Elections 07.22.2022

Going Against National Trends, Delaware Governor signs into law Two Voting Bills that Expand Access

All Delawareans will be able to vote by mail in upcoming elections. First Staters will also now be able to register to vote, or update their name or address, when they go to vote.

Voting & Elections 07.13.2022

Delaware Launches First-Ever Nonpartisan “Election Protection” Field Program, for 2022 Primary and General

Common Cause Delaware is announcing the launch of an independent, nonpartisan effort to ensure that every eligible voter can vote safely and smoothly in the First State. 

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