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Voting & Elections 06.8.2022

Delaware House Passes Same-Day Voter Registration Bill with Bipartisan Vote

The legislation allows voters to register to vote, or update their name or address, when they go to vote. Delaware's registration deadline is currently the fourth Saturday prior to the date of the election.

Voting & Elections 05.24.2022

Friday, May 27 – Deadline to Decide Party Affiliation Ahead of September 13 Primary

Almost one-fourth of First State voters will not be able to vote in the September 13 primary unless they choose to register with one of the two major parties before this Friday.

Voting & Elections 04.13.2022

House Committee to Consider Bill Providing for Same-Day Voter Registration

We believe all eligible voters should have the freedom to vote, unimpeded by early registration deadlines.

House Committee Considers Legislation to Strengthen Delaware’s Whistleblower Protection Act

Common Cause Delaware seeks to hold power accountable. Whistleblowers often play a key role in holding employers accountable, and so it is important for them to be protected from intimidation and retaliation. 

Common Cause Delaware Calls on Rep. Shupe to Ensure Delawareans can Vote Safely in 2022 Elections

During 2020, temporary COVID provisions allowed all voters in Delaware to vote by mail. But if the pending constitutional amendment is not passed soon, Delaware’s voters are likely to lose this voting option.

Voting & Elections 03.22.2022

Delaware Senate to vote today on bipartisan bill that eliminates barriers to voting

In an era of hyperpartisanship, Delaware legislators are working across the aisle to fix a system that requires most voters to register twice, to be able to vote in municipal elections.  The Senate is scheduled to debate and vote on the bill, Senate Bill 233, during its meeting that starts at 2pm today.

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