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Delaware Auditor Sentenced After Conviction for Public Corruption

"We deserve to have confidence that our tax dollars are being well-spent, and that our government officials are serving our interests, not their own interests or other private interests."

BREAKING – Delaware Auditor Convicted of Conflict of Interest and Misconduct

Violations of the public trust are very serious offenses in a democracy. We trust the court will impose the sentence that is deserved in this case. And we know that Common Cause Delaware will continue working to strengthen ethics laws, until they are as clear and tough as they need to be.

House Committee to Consider Campaign Finance Bill

Three of its reforms were recommended in 2013 Veasey Report - Legislature urged to also ban corporate contributions as ‘Unfinished Business’

Delaware Auditor Re-Indicted

Common Cause Delaware strongly supports the creation of an Inspector General’s office in the First State.  Right now there is bipartisan legislative support for creating an IG that is independent, non-partisan, and appointed on the basis of professional qualifications, rather than simply elected.

Delaware Auditor Indicted – Statement of Common Cause Delaware

If these charges are true, they are a particularly egregious violation of the public trust. Delaware’s Auditor is supposed to prevent and detect these sorts of activities, to protect our taxpayer dollars from misuse. Our state officials are supposed to act in the public’s interest, not their own.

State Legislators Urge Carper and Coons to ‘Do Whatever it Takes’ to Pass the For The People Act

Delaware’s Senate Majority Leadership and 17 other state legislators have sent a letter to US Senators Carper and Coons, thanking them for their support of the For the People Act and urging them “to do whatever it takes to pass it and get it to President Biden’s desk, even if it means reforming the filibuster.”

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