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For media inquiries please contact: Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org and 617-807-4032

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Heeding the Challenge of Two Fighters

Our View piece from The New Journal (DE)


Veasey: The ‘Delaware Way’ can become a worthy label again

This is the full speech as written by former Delaware Supreme Court Chief E. Norman Veasey that was delivered to The Rotary Club of Wilmington April 10, 2014

Money & Influence 06.25.2014

So where is campaign finance reform?

The clock is ticking on Delaware's next campaign finance scandal. It inevitably will run out at some point. Where or when is anyone's guess. However, it will happen at some point and for two reasons.


Delaware Must Impose Tougher Lobbying Disclosure Rules


Common Cause Study Shows Delaware's Lobbying Law Lags Behind Other States in Promoting Ethics and Transparency

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