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Democracy Wire

Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the frontlines of the pro-democracy movement.

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Representing Our Diversity in Redistricting Matters More Than Ever

Whether we're concerned about federal, state, county or municipal districts, it's important that we all show up to represent our respective communities at the public redistricting hearings to be held across the state over the coming months.

Creating fair maps for all Coloradans

Colorado's independent redistricting commission is accepting applications, and there's a lot of ways to get involved!

Dispensaries & Businesses to Encourage Census Participation

Beginning this week, in honor of June 17th’s Census Day of Action, get out the count cards will appear in dispensaries and businesses throughout the state. The census is used to allocate public funding for investments that grow the economy, including schools, roads, and workforce development, among many others.

Coronavirus and the Census

Coronavirus has unabashedly exposed many flaws in our system and highlights the need for community resources, and in hard-to-count communities just like any other, we need to fight for funding for our hospitals and school system.

Demanding Fair Representation in Denver and DC

Everyday Colorado Common Cause and our national organization in Washington, DC work to build a democracy that is fair and equitable for everyone. There are few days when that synergy between the national movement and local strategy is as evident as it was on March 26, 2019.

Join the movement over 1 million strong for democracy

Join us: Americans deserve open, honest, accountable government.