Gizmodo: DOJ Attorneys Reportedly Ready to Block T-Mobile/Sprint Merger

Gizmodo: DOJ Attorneys Reportedly Ready to Block T-Mobile/Sprint Merger

“Rather than actually examine the competitive impact, Chairman Pai’s recommended approval points to T-Mobile’s commitments and behavioral conditions,” said Yosef Getachew, media and democracy program director for Common Cause. “Not only are these commitments and conditions unenforceable and riddled with loopholes, they do nothing to address the blatant competitive harms the merger poses to consumers.”

To literally no one’s surprise, the head of the Federal Communications Commission on Monday announced Monday that he’d recommend approving the merger of T-Mobile and Sprint. But it now looks as if the Justice Department’s own attorneys vehemently oppose the merger.

Reuters reported Wednesday that the DOJ’s antitrust division has recommended filing a lawsuit to block the $26.5 billion deal. Citing two sources familiar with the matter, the news agency said the division’s staff have long been “skeptical” of the proposed merger, in that it does not appear to be in the best interests of consumers. …

“Rather than actually examine the competitive impact, Chairman Pai’s recommended approval points to T-Mobile’s commitments and behavioral conditions,” said Yosef Getachew, media and democracy program director for Common Cause. “Not only are these commitments and conditions unenforceable and riddled with loopholes, they do nothing to address the blatant competitive harms the merger poses to consumers.”