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Voting & Elections 04.7.2020

USA Today / Gannett: 'Warning sign:' Wisconsin's messy primary shows struggles states could face in November election

Jay Heck, the Wisconsin director of Common Cause, a voting-rights advocacy group, said voters face a difficult choice between wanting to vote and protecting their health. “Wisconsin’s absentee ballot rules are no doubt disenfranchising voters,” Heck said. Heck said the governor and Legislature have seven months to correct the problem to “avoid this kind of chaos” for the November general election.

Voting & Elections 04.7.2020

NPR: Long Lines, Masks And Plexiglas Barriers Greet Wisconsin Voters At Polls

"Wisconsin is the only state in the nation that has failed to step up and respond responsibly and safely to the current national health pandemic emergency," Jay Heck, director of voting rights group Common Cause in Wisconsin, said in a statement. 

Voting & Elections 04.6.2020

Washington Post: Wisconsin governor moves to suspend in-person voting in Tuesday’s elections amid coronavirus fears, drawing GOP court challenge

Jay Heck, the executive director of Common Cause of Wisconsin, said he is “terrified” by the idea of the state holding the election on Tuesday given the mounting health risks. For the first time in nearly 25 years in his role, he is not encouraging people to vote in person, which “flies in the face of everything I believe in.” “It’s insanity. It’s just insanity,” an emotional Heck said midday Monday, before the governor’s order, describing the ways people could contract coronavirus at a polling place. “It makes me cry thinking about what is going to happen tomorrow. It really does.”

Voting & Elections 04.3.2020

Politico: ‘It is terrifying’: Wisconsin leaders warn of coronavirus disaster with Tuesday’s vote

Jay Heck, director of Common Cause Wisconsin, a voting-rights group, likened the spring election to a cosmic calamity. "The upcoming election is hurtling toward the state of Wisconsin like some unstoppable meteor," said Heck. "It is terrifying, because nobody knows what's going to happen."

U.S. News & World Report: Can Democracy Survive Coronavirus?

Some communities, such as those on Native American tribal lands, aren't as well-served by the U.S. postal system, and mail-in ballots should include pre-paid postage so citizens don't have to pay for the right to cast a ballot, says Karen Hobert-Flynn, president of Common Cause. But she's for any idea that "makes sure there's fair and safe voting for all." "Even as we are worried about this public health threat, we need to remember that it can't distract us from the ways we can fight it," Hobert-Flynn says. "That means we have to come together locally, nationally and internationally to stop the spread (of the virus) and part of that is ensuring our democracy continues to function."

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