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Trump Administration/Executive Ethics

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Voting & Elections 10.28.2018

We Can Be Better: Americans Must Repudiate Politics of Hate

We call on all Americans to repudiate this political hate in each and every conversation with family, friend, and colleagues. We cannot ignore the racist and intolerant invective we see in politics, repeated by some news commentators, and flourishing online. Our own president needs to repudiate this hate speech and own his own very significant contributions to setting the tone that makes people think it is okay to vilify and attack politicians, judges, reporters and others who they don’t agree with.

Voting & Elections 10.28.2018

We Can Be Better Than This: Americans Must Repudiate Politics of Hate

We call on all Americans to repudiate this political hate in each and every conversation with family, friend, and colleagues. We cannot ignore the racist and intolerant invective we see in politics, repeated by some news commentators, and flourishing online.  Our own president needs to repudiate this hate speech and own his own very significant contributions to setting the tone that makes people think it is okay to vilify and attack politicians, judges, reporters and others who they don’t agree with.

Voting & Elections 10.19.2018

New Criminal Charges Against Russian National Shows American Voters Must Do What Trump Administration & Congress Failed to Do

The Hill (VIDEO): Trump's DC hotel is 'ground zero for the swamp,' says government watchdog

"Look at the Trump Hotel right here in Washington, D.C., smack dab in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue between the Capitol and the White House — one block away, by the way, from the FBI's headquarters," Stephen Spaulding told Hill.TV co-hosts Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton on "Rising. That Trump Hotel has, I think, really become ground zero for the swamp. You have Republican fundraisers taking place there, foreign governments holding their fundraisers there. That is a clear, physical conflict of interest.

Senate is in No Position to Confirm Kavanaugh

Initial reports about the brief FBI investigation of sexual assault allegations reek of a whitewash as the Senate scrambles to fill the Supreme Court seat before facing voters in November. Combined with the abbreviated and inadequate document release of Brett Kavanaugh’s professional career and his appearance at last week’s hearing, many questions have been raised about Judge Kavanaugh’s fitness to serve as a Justice and they must be answered.

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