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Net Neutrality

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Media & Democracy 11.13.2014

John Oliver on Net Neutrality

Everyone's talking about net neutrality this week, so we thought we'd take a look back to the hilarious send-up John Oliver did of the issue last summer. He explains what's going on, tells us what's at stake, and urges hordes of internet commenters to direct their outrage towards the FCC's public comment process.

Media & Democracy 11.10.2014

President Obama calls for full net neutrality

Those of us fighting for a free and open Internet got some good news this morning. President Obama just reiterated his strong stance on net neutrality, and asked FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to reclassify broadband internet as a telecommunications service.

Media & Democracy 11.10.2014

Common Cause Urges FCC to Heed Obama's Call for Open Internet Protections

President Obama’s call for strong Open Internet (“net neutrality”) protections under Title II of the Telecommunications Act is an important step toward ensuring that the Internet remains a forum for the free and robust exchange of ideas, Common Cause said today.

Media & Democracy 10.23.2014

Strong Support for the Open Internet in Texas – and Across the Land

We all depend on our communications ecosystem, and we should all have a say in its future. The regulators making decisions that will shape how Americans connect and communicate for a generation ought to be listening to us.

Media & Democracy 08.6.2014

Obama Affirms Support for Open Internet

President Obama underscored his support for open Internet protections this week.

Media & Democracy 06.18.2014

The Net Neutrality State of Play

More than a million citizens have contacted the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) demanding genuine network neutrality. We know a healthy democracy demands an Open Internet.

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