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Media & Democracy 04.24.2017

FCC Chairman Pai Abandoning Diversity Advisory Committee

It is unnecessary and harmful for Chairman Pai to replace the FCC's Diversity Advisory Committee, which for years drew on the expertise of diversity experts to generate valuable and vetted proposals to advance important diversity initiatives. Commission leadership from both parties too-often ignored that committee's proposals. But instead of reconstituting that committee and finally acting on its many extant recommendations, Chairman Pai has chosen to ignore it and create a new committee which will take months or longer to organize, meet, and come up with proposals. Given the Trump Administration’s track record of business friendly appointments, Pai is likely to select committee members who put corporate interests ahead of diversity. Shameful. It is decades beyond time for serious action to help minorities and women in media ownership. Pai's announcement is a serious step backwards.

Media & Democracy 04.20.2017

Federal Communications Commission Votes Pushes Monopolist Agenda

Today, the Federal Communications Commission dealt a body blow to the public interest by votingvoted to entrench monopoly in broadcasting and business broadband, Common Cause said. The FCC majority eliminated price restraints on Business Data Services (BDS), allowing incumbent carriers to charge exorbitant rates on small businesses across the country. In a separate proceeding, the same majority voted to reinstate a legal loophole that broadcasters exploit to monopolize ever more of the airwaves.

Media & Democracy 03.16.2017

Defunding of Corporation for Public Broadcasting a Blow to Heartland: Statement of Michael Copps

The President rails against “fake news,” but in eliminating the Corporation for Public Broadcasting his budget plan would sever the financial lifeline of scores of public TV and radio stations that are among the most reliable, trusted sources of real news for millions of Americans.

Media & Democracy 10.24.2016

AT&T Time Warner Merger Would Harm Consumers: Statement of Michael Copps, former FCC Commissioner and Common Cause Special Adviser

“Allowing a communications behemoth like AT&T to swallow the Time Warner media empire should be unthinkable. The sorry history of mega mergers shows they run roughshod over the public interest. Further entrenching monopoly harms innovation and drives up prices for consumers. The answer is clear: regulators must say no” said former FCC Commissioner and Common Cause Special Adviser Michael Copps.

Media & Democracy 04.26.2016

Gannett-Tribune Deal May Reduce News Coverage

The proposed purchase of Tribune Publishing by Gannett Co. is likely to reduce competition and diminish news coverage.

Media & Democracy 03.17.2016

Common Cause Urges FCC to Reject Charter - Time Warner Cable Deal

The proposed merger might be good for shareholders but would disserve the public interest.

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