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Voting & Elections 09.25.2018

Help Welcome Formerly Incarcerated Individuals Back to the Voting Booth

Many formerly incarcerated people can vote, but they don't know it. Giving people returning to our communities a say in their future helps to distance them from the past. Common Cause proudly joins the Campaign Legal Center in an effort to register 25,000 people who are eligible to vote -- join us in creating hope in the future and imagine the moment when the people you help register put on an "I voted" sticker for the first time.

Failure to Relocate People in Prison in Florence’s Path is an Abuse of Power

As Hurricane Florence inches closer and closer to the east coast, government officials in the areas call for an immediate evacuation, but some are not upholding their own ethical responsibility by evacuating thousands of people in jails and prisons in the region.

Common Cause Urges South Carolina to Evacuate Prison Inmates in Path of Hurricane Florence

Common Cause urges you to begin the immediate evacuation of all incarcerated individuals under your care that are in Hurricane Florence evacuation zones.

Manafort and Cohen get off easy for financial crimes. Minorities get prison for voting

Manafort and Cohen get off easy for real crimes while minorities get prison for voting. Our criminal justice system undermines democracy and must change.

Voting & Elections 09.6.2018

USA Today Op-Ed: Manafort and Cohen get off easy for financial crimes. Minorities get prison for voting.

The Manafort and Cohen cases are also a disturbing reminder of how differently Americans are treated by our criminal justice system depending on their skin color, wealth and status. Earlier this year, a black woman in Texas was sentenced to five years in prison for unwittingly breaking state law by voting while still under community supervision for a previous fraud charge.

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