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Voting & Elections 04.4.2016

Supreme Court Rejects Radical Re-Write of Constitution in Evenwel Redistricting Case

Today the U.S. Supreme Court voted 8-0 in Evenwel v. Abbott to allow states to continue to count total population when drawing state legislative districts after each census. The plaintiffs sought an unprecedented change to the U.S. Constitution forbidding states from using census counts of total population and requiring them to draw districts with equal number of voters.

Voting & Elections 04.4.2016

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Re-Write of Constitution in Evenwel Redistricting Case

“Today’s decision affirms one of our most fundamental values as Americans: that every person counts. We now turn our attention to the states to monitor and combat any effort to deprive millions of young people, non-citizen residents, and other non-voters of constitutional protections. Our nation’s charter begins with the words ‘We the People;’ that means everyone – not just those who vote – is entitled to equal representation at every level of government.”

Voting & Elections 03.23.2016

NC A&T students speak out on campus gerrymandering

Students at NC A&T State University, the nation's largest historically black college or university, recently spoke out against new congressional voting maps that leave their campus split into two districts.

Voting & Elections 03.16.2016

Redistricting Reform launched by bipartisan House and Senate team

Fair Districts PA Citizens Coalition Endorses The Initiative.

Voting & Elections 02.20.2016

Supreme Court Refuses to Block Order for Redrawing of NC Congressional Districts

Common Cause, allies comment on high court's refusal to freeze redistricting ordered by federal judges in NC

Voting & Elections 02.19.2016

Gerrymander Gazette - March 2016

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