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VIDEO LINK & QUOTES from Today’s Media Briefing: The Growing Movement for Citizen-Led, Independent Redistricting

Today, a panel of Common Cause’s redistricting experts briefed the media on the major victories local communities are winning in their efforts to transform redistricting into a citizen-led process.

President Biden Nominates Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court

The confirmation of any Supreme Court justice is one of the most important moments for our democracy and constitutional system. The U.S. Senate owes it to the American people to ensure Judge Jackson receives a fair hearing and an up-or-down vote.

VIDEO LINK & QUOTES from Today’s Media Briefing: The Path Forward for Voting Rights in the States

Today, redistricting experts from Common Cause and Southern Coalition for Social Justice’s briefed the media on the state-level victories in the fight to secure fair maps and protect voting rights.

Voting & Elections 01.13.2022

Democracy Experts: Federal Action Needed to Ensure Fair Elections

“The ‘big lie’ about the 2020 election has metastasized, with disinformation about our elections used as a pretext for state laws making it harder for voters to cast their ballots,” said Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause, a watchdog group with chapters in 35 states.

VIDEO LINKS AND QUOTES from Today’s Media Briefing: State of Play in the Fight for Fair Maps

Earlier today, national and state redistricting experts briefed the media with a national overview of the status of the current redistricting cycle and the ongoing legal battles against gerrymandering in North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas.

VIDEO LINKS AND QUOTES from Today’s Media Briefing: Fighting for Fair Maps in the Face of Extreme Gerrymandering

Earlier today, a panel of national and state redistricting experts briefed the media on the redistricting provisions within the Freedom to Vote Act and how the legislation will help stop state legislatures’ ongoing attempts to approve gerrymandered maps in the current and future redistricting cycles.

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